Support free Russian media

Fight together against Putin’s propaganda

Independent Russian media outlets, forced out 
of the country and off traditional broadcasting platforms, now primarily operate on YouTube.

Braving the prolonged pressure from the Russian government, they continue their work and remain the only truth-telling source for millions of Russians.

250+ millions

the average total number of monthly views of videos created by the independent Russian speakers on YouTube at the end of 2023

35 millions

or 27% of all Russian citizens at the age over 18 reading or watching Independent Russian media that have discriminating  status “foreign agents” by the Russian government

How we help
media do its job

We provide market-driven financial assistance to independent media outlets based on their views and popularity.

Youtube Monetization Reimbursement


Succumbing to the Russian government’s pressure, Google has suspended YouTube monetization, stripping media of a vital source of income.


Media outlets submit their views stats 
to us on a monthly basis. Considering their pre-war advertising performance, 
we calculate how much they would have earned from Youtube ads and compensate them accordingly.


for foreign agents


Ad integrations, a significant source of income, have been banned for those labeled by the Russian government as "foreign agents," a category that now includes nearly all of the independent influencers, journalists, and media, with the list continually expanding.


We offer compensation based 
on a precise evaluation of their advertising revenue prior to the ban.


Do you meddle in
the editorial policies of the media?

It is our firm belief that the media we assist should maintain an independent editorial stance. Our charter explicitly forbids any meddling in their operations, and we strictly adhere to this principle.

Under no circumstances do we, or our donors, exert influence over their editorial decisions.

Why not support 

the media directly? Why support you?

Why not? it is a good idea. However, we advocate the next ideas:

  1. Funds should be allocated based on objective engagement metrics—such as view count and popularity—ensuring maximum impact.

  2. Focus on supporting established projects with proven track records, rather than funding new ones that may not gain popularity or become sustainable. This strategy maximizes the effectiveness of your contributions, ensuring you support the most viable and impactful media

Support free Russian media now

If you're interested 

in funding this project,
please reach out to us at

Connect us to the ones who can assist us in our cause — please, reach us out to the same email adress

If you’re a media 
outlet seeking support, please contact us